Archive for Friends of the Earth

Thom Yorke Wants You to Help Fight Global Warming

Posted in Artists with tags , , , on May 21, 2009 by rockingreen
Photo via Friends of the Earth

Photo via Friends of the Earth

Recently on Radiohead’s website, Thom Yorke urged his U.S. fans to show their support for the fight against global warming by joining the Stop Global Warming Virtual March.  Here’s what’s  on Yorke’s mind:

“currently there is talk of a climate change bill in the US similair to the one we have passed in the UK.
thats a BIG deal.
but i have been reading how the oil industry is investing millions of dollars in a PR campaign against it!
how utterly dumbass is that? how do these people look their children in the eye?”

In case you’re wondering what the hell Thom is on about, let me fill in the blanks. Back in 2005, Thom Yorke helped launch Friends of the Earth’s Big Ask Europe, a campaign to convince European nations to cut their greenhouse gas emissions yearly. The ultimate goal? A 40% emissions reduction within Europe by 2020; 100% by 2050.

Thanks in part to pressure from Big Ask Europe, the UK passed climate change legislation in November 2008, the first of its kind in the world, that legally commits the UK to reduce their emissions by a whopping 80% by 2050.

Those clever Europeans…always a step ahead of us on these matters of environmental importance.

Anyway, it looks like similar legislation could be in the works for the U.S. So what are you waiting for? When Thom Yorke asks you to do something, dammit, you better do it.